The rate of Austenite Formation during heating and the size of austenite grain.
(1)对奥氏体形成速度的影响: Cr、Mo、W、V等强碳化物形成元素与碳的亲合力大, 形成难溶于奥氏体的合金碳化物, 显著减慢奥氏体形成速度;Co、Ni等部分非碳化物形成元素, 因增大碳的扩散速度, 使奥氏体的形成速度加快;Al、Si、Mn等合金元素对奥氏体形成速度影响不大。
(1) the formation rate of influence on Cr, Mo, W: austenitic and V strong carbide forming elements and carbon affinity, carbides formed insoluble in austenite, the formation rate was reduced Co and Ni austenite; some non carbide forming elements, because the diffusion rate of carbon increases, the formation of austenite speed; Al, Si, Mn and other alloy elements had little effect on the formation rate of austenite.
(2)对奥氏体晶粒大小的影响:大多数合金元素都有阻止奥氏体晶粒长大的作用, 但影响程度不同。强烈阻碍晶粒长大的元素有:V、Ti、Nb、Zr等;中等阻碍晶粒长大的元素有:W、Mn、Cr等;对晶粒长大影响不大的元素有:Si、Ni、Cu等;促进晶粒长大的元素:Mn、P等。
(2) the effect of austenite grain size: most of the alloying elements have the effect of preventing the growth of austenite grain, but the influence degree is different. Strongly hinder the grain growth of the elements are: V, Ti, Nb, Zr; secondary hinder the grain growth of the elements are: W, Mn and Cr had little effect on grain growth; elements are: Si, Ni, Cu etc.; promote the grain growth of elements: Mn, P etc..
2. 合金元素对过冷奥氏体分解转变的影响
Effect of 2 alloying elements on the decomposition and transformation of over Cooling Austenite
除Co外, 几乎所有合金元素都增大过冷奥氏体的稳定性, 推迟珠光体类型组织的转变, 使C曲线右移, 即提高钢的淬透性。常用提高淬透性的元素有:Mo、Mn、Cr、Ni、Si、B等。必须指出, 加入的合金元素, 只有完全溶于奥氏体时, 才能提高淬透性。如果未完全溶解, 则碳化物会成为珠光体的核心, 反而降低钢的淬透性。另外, 两种或多种合金元素的同时加入(如, 铬锰钢、铬镍钢等), 比单个元素对淬透性的影响要强得多。
In addition to Co, almost all alloy elements will increase the stability of supercooled austenite pearlite transformation, delayed type of organization, make the C curve to the right, to improve the hardenability of steel. Commonly used to improve the quenching of the elements are: Mn, Cr, Mo, Ni, Si, B, etc.. It must be pointed out that the addition of alloying elements, only completely dissolved in the austenite, can improve the quenching performance. If not completely dissolved, the carbide will become the core of the pearlite, but reduce the steel. In addition, adding two or more alloying elements at the same time (e.g., chromium manganese steel, chrome nickel steel etc.), better than single element influence on the hardenability.