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我国的管线用钢研发虽然起步较晚,但发展步伐很快,从 1996 年在陕京线上采用 X60 钢,到 2001 年在西气东输工程中成功应用 X70 钢,到 2005 年在冀宁支线上使用 X80 钢,短短 10 年间,管线钢已然跨越了 3 个台阶。

China's pipeline steel development started late, but the pace of development is very fast, in the Shaanxi Beijing line from 1996 to 2001 for the first time using X60 steel in the west east gas pipeline project in the successful application of X70 steel, X80 steel in 2005 to use Jining Branch, just 10 years, China has spanned 3 pipeline steel a step.

采用宝钢 X120 管线用钢板试制的直缝焊管,近日顺利通过石油天然气集团公司管材研究所权威检测,该所的研究报告显示,无论是化学成分还是力学性能均满足标准要求,部分指标优于国外同类钢管实物水平,这意味着我国可生产全球强度管线钢焊管,宝钢成为国内家、全球第四家具备 X120 管线钢试生产能力的企业。


For the first time by Baosteel X120 pipeline steel welded pipe production, has recently passed the Chinese Petroleum Corporation pipe Research Institute Research Report by the testing authority, shows that both the chemical composition and mechanical properties meet the requirements of the standard, some indicators better than similar foreign steel physical level, this means that China can produce the highest in the world the strength of pipeline steel pipe, Baosteel to become the first domestic and global fourth furniture equipment of X120 pipeline steel production capacity of enterprises.

据悉, X120 是迄今为止等级的管线钢,目前,国际上只有日本新日铁、住友和欧洲一些公司有过生产实绩。我国管线钢的发展比发达晚了 20 多年,直到上世纪 90 年代初,宝钢 X 系列管线钢才开始起步,但发展很快,目前宝钢已拥有从低端到高端完整的输送管线焊管用管线钢板卷系列生产能力。

It is reported that X120 is by far the highest level of pipeline steel, at present, the world only the Japanese Nippon Steel, Sumitomo and some European companies have production performance. The development of pipeline steel in China than in developed countries more than 20 years later, until the last century at the beginning of 90s, Baosteel X pipeline steel was started, but the development is very fast, the Baosteel has from the low-end to high-end integrated pipeline pipe production capacity for pipeline steel plate volume series.


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